Volitional Science Lexicon

This section contains the basic definitions and postulates of Professor Andrew J. Galambos’ (1924-1997) Volitional Science. 
“Precise definitions are essential for the development of any science. If you do not have precise definitions followed by specific postulates, you never can have a science.”
– Andrew J. Galambos

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The Scientific Method
Scientific Method -1. Observation (for gathering data)2. Hypothesis formulation3. Extrapolation4. Observation (for corroboration)Plus Occam’s RazorThe Scientific Method is the only known reliable path to new knowledge.The major utility and beauty of the Scientific Method is that it makes an infallible system apply to fallible men. And every time fallible men make mistakes through the application of the Scientific Method, they learn what the mistakes are and learn how to correct them.The Scientific Method is the full, total substitute and alternative for coercion and, when properly understood and applied, will make it completely unnecessary to have violent and destructive and socially harmful practices.

A corroborated hypothesis.

Treason is a violation of your principles, whatever they may be. If you believe one thing and then act contrary to them, that is both hypocrisy and treason. It is hypocrisy from the philosophical standpoint and treason from the operational standpoint.

True Democracy
True Democracy is the free, unhampered market economy.

True Revolution
In the domain of volitional experience, the only true revolution is Capitalism - the Liberal Revolution.I would define the only possible revolution in volition as the one that turns man’s social structure around so that Freedom is a reality; wherein everyone is one hundred percent in control over his own property.

Truth is that which is observationally known to be corroborable and is common to all observers.