Volitional Science Lexicon

This section contains the basic definitions and postulates of Professor Andrew J. Galambos’ (1924-1997) Volitional Science. 
“Precise definitions are essential for the development of any science. If you do not have precise definitions followed by specific postulates, you never can have a science.”
– Andrew J. Galambos

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Observation is the ability to get inputs through our five senses.

Occam’s Razor
Named for William of Occam (1285-1349) “Essentials must not be multiplied beyond necessity.”Translated into modern terminology and applied it to physical science, it means: if you have two or more hypotheses which are competing with one another, choose the one with fewer unproven assertions.

The total, permanent and moral control of property until voluntarily transferred by the owner, where possible.Note: Ownership of Primary Property can not be transferred from its creator.