Volitional Science Lexicon

This section contains the basic definitions and postulates of Professor Andrew J. Galambos’ (1924-1997) Volitional Science. 
“Precise definitions are essential for the development of any science. If you do not have precise definitions followed by specific postulates, you never can have a science.”
– Andrew J. Galambos

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Any increase in happiness acquired by immoral means, that is, by the employment of coercion.

Politics and ideology are two entirely different things; one involves coercion and the other involves ideas.[Note: This is not a definition. It is, however, a very important distinction.]

A postulate is a proposition with a truth content which you did not derive from any earlier set of propositions by logical reasoning, but whose validity you accept as an input into the subject that you are developing.To be a successful postulate, one must have not only a true proposition, but also one with universal application.

Postulate of Volitional Science, First
All volitional beings live to pursue happiness.First Corollary: Morally acting volitional beings seek to profit; immorally acting volitional beings to seek plunder.Second. Corollary: All volitional beings live to acquire property.

Postulate of Volitional Science, Second
All concepts of happiness pursued through moral action are equally valid.

Control over action.

Profit is any increase in happiness acquired by moral means.

A change which increases a man’s over-all happiness and betters his over-all condition as an individual.

Property is individual man’s life and all non-procreative derivatives of his life.‘Property’ is the supreme subject of volition, just as ‘energy’ is the supreme subject of physics.