What is the

    REVOLUTION is usually thought of in terms of violent social upheavals involving catastrophic dislocations of property. This concept of REVOLUTION, which involves coercive, political techniques, is wrong. No positive development has ever come about by means of coercion.

    The correct meaning of the word “revolution” is “turning around.” For example: In physical science, one says that a planet “revolves,” which means that it turns about its axis. In the domain of Volitional Science, a REVOLUTION can occur only if we are capable of “turning around” the prevailing form of social structure. What social structure does prevail? The one in which private property is not sacrosanct. To date, no society in history has ever been able to protect the property of the individuals within that society.

    Therefore, we can state that the only possible “turning around” is to establish a form of social structure wherein private property is sacrosanct, wherein true freedom*³ prevails. When every individual is fully (100%) in control of his own property*(2) and has no control over anyone else’s property, this is a true, meaningful, and permanent turning around of the society. This is the TRUE REVOLUTION.

    Freedom has never existed on this planet at any time, in any place. It is, however, attainable.

    The only true revolution, then, is the attainment of freedom, which is 100% self-control of property. It is the selection of the profit-seeking* method of operation over the bureaucratic*⁽⁹ method of operation. It is the selection of proprietary, non-coercive means over non-proprietary, coercive means. It is the employment of the concept of government*⁽¹ instead of the concept of state.*⁽¹⁰ It is the utilization of property in the definition of “crime”*⁽¹¹ rather than “legality” in the definition of “crime.”  It is the attainment of genuine liberalism*⁽¹ and the rejection of all of its possible variations of anti-property illiiberalism.

    In the domain of volitional experience, then, the only true revolution is capitalism - THE LIBERAL REVOLUTION.

    * see THRUST FOR FREEDOM issue number indicated in parenthesis.


    Copyright © 1965, by Andrew J. Galambos  TFF-12 - 9/1965