Why does an individual who practices and promotes CAPITALISM call himself LIBERAL?


    Why does an individual who practices and promotes CAPITALISM call himself LIBERAL?

    the word, LIBERAL, originally came into popular use to describe the ideological content of the American Revolution: CCI ≡ Constitutionalism - Capitalism - Individualism.

    LIBERAL means: liber = free + al = pertaining to, hence: "pertaining to free(dom)."

    LIBERAL produces a favorable image in the minds of most people. Whoever wears the hat of LIBERALISM has the scales tipped in his favor. Today, the anti-liberal socialists wear this hat. Is it any wonder they are popular and winning?

    The Founders of this Republic established a capitalistic nation; they are rightfully called LIBERALS. By calling ourselves LIBERALS, we reestablish our ideological kinship with these great men and do not let this advantage accrue to the socialists.

    Recovery of this word for Freedom is a worthy goal and a major weapon against socialist ideas.

    If you value your Freedom and Survival, and realize their dependence upon CCI, then join with us in calling yourself a LIBERAL. Regain the rightful ownership of the word; regain your lost reputation and intellectual ancestry. The word belongs to you and not to the socialists.

    True Liberalism is Capitalism.
    Capitalism is the key to survival.

    Copyright © 1963, by Andrew J. Galambos  TFF-1 - 8/1963