Andrew J Galambos

Something to ponder


  • If cats had minds to match their curiosity, we would be their pets.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • I call both the left and right wings socialism. And today, the right-wingers love to think that they're capitalists, or free enterprisers, or what not. No they're not! The correct name for this is left-wing socialism or right-wing socialism - and both wings are on the same bird.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • You must not fight the state. You must build a parallel society.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • According to our cats, my wife and I are High Priests. The refrigerator is God. We, as high priests, open up God for them. [Galambos defined “God” as “the source of all natural phenomena.”]

    Andrew J Galambos

  • I’d rather have an absolute tyrant [than a political democracy]. At least then you’d know where the source of the trouble is. I can pinpoint it. I can say, ‘this guy’s the source of my problem. It’s bad but I know where it’s coming from.’ Democracy? Whom do you blame? The majority? Well, who’s that? Your
    next door neighbor? The guy whose renting you your apartment? The guy who sold you a necktie? Yeah, it’s all of these people – and none of them. You can’t put your finger on anyone. There’s no identification of whom did what – no association of actions with people. Everything’s just an amorphous mass of intellectual nothingness.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • The most significant church in history, Galambos claimed, was the Cathedral of Pisa, where Galileo discovered the law of the pendulum.“ I was there, but the pushcart peddlers of Pisa didn’t have for sale a single post card of Galileo – but plenty of statuettes of President Kennedy and Pope John.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • You can’t overwhelm people with knowledge. You must begin to get through to them with products.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • A traffic jam is a collision between free enterprise and socialism. Free enterprise produces automobiles faster than socialism can build roads and road capacity.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • In physics, we don’t conquer nature, we understand it.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • Politicians are motivated by lust for power, not by production.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • Most peoples definition of impossible is different from mine. Most peoples definition goes like this: “That’s impossible which I can’t do …” That’s not the correct use of impossible, of course. My definition of impossible is: ‘That is impossible which would violate a law of nature.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • Don’t count your political chickens because they won’t hatch.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • Journalism provides criminals with free advertising.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • The state has no wealth it hasn't stolen, and the state has no assets whatsoever, except those which individuals have created in the first place and the state has taken.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • Most people have never heard of and don’t understand Ockham’s Razor. If they did know about it, they wouldn’t believe it. They’re not looking for simplicity; they’re looking for complexity.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • In capitalism, profit does not come out of another man's hardship; it comes out of new production of new wealth that's never existed before.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • Giordano Bruno did not win by running for Pope. This is where the Libertarians are wrong. They’re running for President.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • There is always a leader behind a political movement. A mob doesn’t think, it follows.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • Repeated errors are the result of either unusually low intelligence or unusually low proprietary interest.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • Spectators do not make history.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • The three most surprising things in history are, in reverse order:
    3) How long it took for Archimedes’ understanding of the scientific method to catch on. [It wasn’t fully articulated again until Francis Bacon in 1620.]
    2) How long it took to test Aristotle’s hypothetical “Law of Falling Bodies.” [It didn’t happen until Galileo in 1634.]
    1) How long it took to even look for a solution other than coercion to society’s problems.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • Living things organize energy to survive. Everything else disorganizes energy. This is the vital line between life and everything else. Both Norbert Wiener and Erwin Schrodinger identified this, independently.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • The withholding tax was invented by Beardsley Rumi. We should know who invented it. Without this monstrous invention, the IRS would be impotent. It is one of the most dangerous inventions ever. [Beardsley Rumi, 1894 – 1960], was an American economist. He was advisor to Herbert Hoover, was Director on the New York Federal Reserve Bank, and was a New Deal planner. In 1942, he proposed the U.S. Treasure collect income taxes through a withholding, pay-as-you-go, system. In 1943, Congress adopted his system into law.]

    Andrew J Galambos

  • The way you find out about the universe is by studying it. It’s called science. Through science you understand what the universe is about and you do not alter nature; you don’t argue with nature. You learn how it operates and then you harness it. Learning how nature operates is called discovery. Harnessing it is called invention. And the two together are called innovation.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • These four men have done more for humankind than all the rest of humankind, combined: Archimedes, Galileo, Newton and Maxwell.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • What can a cat imagine in life? Not much. Eating. Sleeping. Also, war games. It can satisfy its capacity of happiness much more frequently and easily than a high-quality producer like a human. Why? Because with less imagination there is less difficulty. A well-fed, well-loved domestic cat can get close to 100%

    Andrew J Galambos

  • No anti-approach, which is a mob, mass attack will accomplish anything. Anti-communism does not eliminate communism. Anti-Nazism does not eliminate Nazism. Anti-welfare state does not eliminate the welfare state. Anti-Caesar does not eliminate Caesar. Anti-anything does not eliminate whatever you’re against.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • Someday, God and physics will be the same subject. Ultimately, everything is physics.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • The more prosperity you have, the quicker you ... attract the looters and the plunderers.... And so when a country becomes richer it falls apart sooner.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • It took a thousand years to recover from the fall of the Roman Empire. What will the time period be following the fall of the present civilization?

    Andrew J Galambos

  • Learn to think and build.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • The value of labor is zero It is only the products of labor that have value. Hourly pay is immoral and incompetent. It is also a second cause of rising prices that the Austrian economists failed to pick up. Payment for incompetence drives prices up.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • In a free society, you will not coerce criminals, you’ll have the technology to quarantine them. Better yet, you’ll have the technology to prevent crime in the first place.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • All of economics is but a downstream derivation from the laws of thermodynamics.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • Mathematics gives you the tools and the ability to imagine things beyond what is currently called “real”.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • Property is your liberation, not politics.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • I was one in a long series of those who were revolutionaries and my purpose was to build a society which will last forever and have a cosmic destiny.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • The universe is entropic. But in places where life exists, it organizes energy. The measure of this is property.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • Mobs don’t just happen. They are intentionally organized and aroused through fear and hate which feed on envy.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • A definition is neither true nor false; it simply is useful or not.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • The only time you understand something is when you can explain it to someone else, either orally or in writing.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • Politics is the unworthy child of an unworthy parent: religion.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • Aristotle was a good logician but a lousy physicist.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • The truth may not always be comfortable but it is always right.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • A rebel fights. A revolutionary builds.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • Science, not coercion, is the source of mankind's progress.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • If you really want an education you’ll get it, with or without a school.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • It’s a travesty that with our current scientific knowledge we have an energy crisis! Really, there’s no such thing. There’s a crisis of political stupidity. The sun isn’t having an energy crisis.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • The cheap but simple human emotion of envy is the driving force of all socialism, of all anti-capitalist philosophy.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • It will not be politics, but science and technology that will build freedom, Professor Galambos believed. Like electric power generation, like flight, like radio or television was first built, then widely accepted, he claimed, “First, we must build a rational and moral society, then the psychology of the masses will automatically improve.”

    Andrew J Galambos

  • You can’t understand the universe without physics. Any other method is a waste of time.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • A scientist should harness nature, not conquer it. I’m not at war with socialism, anymore. There is no enemy, just stupidity.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • There's only one thing to do with politics, and that is to survive it.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • I’m sure of what I talk about. I don’t apologize for it. People get offended by this but that’s their problem. I tell people things that are right and without compromise, and they can’t handle this unless they are rational, which is, of course, rare, but exactly what I’m looking for.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • Physics is the basis of all knowledge. It was the first and is still the greatest of all the sciences, and when we can integrate our thinking about society with physics, we stand a chance to make real progress. Furthermore, he claimed, “We will understand who we are as a species when we begin to see ourselves as part of physics.”

    Andrew J Galambos

  • There are people who never die until their species dies – take, for example, Archimedes!

    Andrew J Galambos

  • Good men cannot improve the state, but the state can destroy the best of men.

    Andrew J Galambos

  • The United States is the only country that was deliberately set up to reduce political tyranny, to deliberately put obstacles in the states path. It failed. But the mere attempt to do so is noteworthy.

    Andrew J Galambos